Halfway! Route 7
Hi All!
Route No. 6 was a success, and now it is time for Route No. 7! We will be meeting this Sunday, Dec. 2 at 1PM at Fred Fletcher Park and bike over to the route. Route No. 7 is a north-south route over 8 miles long. You can check it out here. Its two end-points are the Lake Johnson Park area on Avent Ferry Road and Brooks Elementary off of Northbrook Drive. This is what the Raleigh Bike Route Map has to say about it:
"Cyclists may use this route to cross the 1-440 Beltline on Yadkin Drive between the North Hills neighborhoods and the southern half of Raleigh. Route 7 passes through NC State University and extends to the greenway and park attractions at Lake Johnson. Use special caution at Glenwood Ave. and through NCSU where weekday traffic is heavy."
From Fred Fletcher Park, we will start in the middle of the route on Brooks Avenue and head south towards Lake Johnson. Once we have reached Lake Johnson, we will back-track to the north part of the route. At Lake Johnson, there will be an opportunity to take a break and get drinks/refresh. We will then circle back around to complete the remainder of the route. For those of you who are interested, we may also stop at North Hills Mall for a little bit of celebration before continuing on our way (Fox and Hound, perhaps?) or we could wait until our return to Fred Fletcher.
This ride will be the longest yet - between 20 and 25 miles including the trip from Fred Fletcher Park to the route - but there will be several opportunities for breaks. The ride is also the halfway point in completing all the bike routes in Raleigh - woohoo! I hope that I will see some of you there.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions/comments: raleighroutes@hotmail.com.
Route No. 6 was a success, and now it is time for Route No. 7! We will be meeting this Sunday, Dec. 2 at 1PM at Fred Fletcher Park and bike over to the route. Route No. 7 is a north-south route over 8 miles long. You can check it out here. Its two end-points are the Lake Johnson Park area on Avent Ferry Road and Brooks Elementary off of Northbrook Drive. This is what the Raleigh Bike Route Map has to say about it:
"Cyclists may use this route to cross the 1-440 Beltline on Yadkin Drive between the North Hills neighborhoods and the southern half of Raleigh. Route 7 passes through NC State University and extends to the greenway and park attractions at Lake Johnson. Use special caution at Glenwood Ave. and through NCSU where weekday traffic is heavy."
From Fred Fletcher Park, we will start in the middle of the route on Brooks Avenue and head south towards Lake Johnson. Once we have reached Lake Johnson, we will back-track to the north part of the route. At Lake Johnson, there will be an opportunity to take a break and get drinks/refresh. We will then circle back around to complete the remainder of the route. For those of you who are interested, we may also stop at North Hills Mall for a little bit of celebration before continuing on our way (Fox and Hound, perhaps?) or we could wait until our return to Fred Fletcher.
This ride will be the longest yet - between 20 and 25 miles including the trip from Fred Fletcher Park to the route - but there will be several opportunities for breaks. The ride is also the halfway point in completing all the bike routes in Raleigh - woohoo! I hope that I will see some of you there.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions/comments: raleighroutes@hotmail.com.